Which House Show Profession in KP Astrology?
By Aashish Patidar Nov 23 2022 KP_astrology_courses,online_KP_astrology_course,KP_astrology_course_online
Which House represents the profession of an individual? What are the different ways to get the answer? If you're interested in knowing this and knowing how this knowledge can be used in your personal life, read on to find out how you can determine which House represents your profession in KP Astrology. KP astrology includes a different kind of reading to predict the future that you get to know with the help of KP astrology courses provided by various institutes.
The House that shows the sign or planet will tell you that person's profession. It can be advantageous if someone is looking for a job or hiring you based on your astrological sign. The first House is the sign of the Sun, showing what a person's nature is like. The second House shows how we earn our living, our finances, and how we handle money, and there are 12 houses of astrology that we need to know. Let's explore them in detail, and you can get more information about them with the help of an online KP astrology course.
12 Houses of Astrology All You Need to Know
People follow astrologers' guidance to stay in tune with the stars, which can bring peace and harmony. An astrologer usually advises on how to overcome problems relating to education, career, or love life.
However, not all astrologers are trustworthy. Some use trickery and fake rituals to exploit their clients. It is essential to understand the different types of astrologers available and what their client says about them to differentiate between real and fake ones. The genuine professional astrologer had mastered all the reading by attending all KP astrology classes back in the learning phase.
The Houses in the KP astrology are maps where we can find ourselves. The 12 Houses represent the different aspects of our lives and reveal areas we need to work on and grow.
The first House, cuspids, is associated with self-confidence and who you are inside. Lets us know about each of them in detail
First House – shows the profession of the person ruled by the Ascendant.
The first House is the House of self; as you know, it's ruled by the Sun. So if you're a Scorpio or Pisces and your Ascendant is a Libra or Leo, then you are likely to have some professional job in mind. That is also true for the rest of the houses. If you have a Leo ascendant, then chances are that you're going to be working in an environment where there are lots of people around or at least one person who is important enough to make decisions regarding your job position.
The following signs rule over this sign: Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, and Taurus. These signs are known for their high levels of self-confidence, which makes them good at pursuing their chosen careers while remaining humble enough to accept criticism from others who may disagree with their decisions on how to move ahead in their life journey.
Second House
The Second House is ruled by the Sun, and its position in your chart shows where you will get success in life. If your Ascendant is in this House, your profession is related to the Sun. So for Aries, it is the second House. For Taurus, it is the third House, and so on.
Third House
If you consider this House, your Ascendant, then the House shows profession. So for Taurus, it is the third House; for Gemini, it is the fourth House; and so on.
But suppose you don't consider any star or planet in this particular House. In that case, it will not be considered as your profession but just a hobby or interest, which may include any work like a lawyer (Luna), doctor (Mars), teacher (Mercury), writer, etc.
Fourth House
If you are a Gemini, Cancer, or Leo, this House will show your profession as per the signs and planets. For example: if you are a Gemini, then your Ascendant is not in any house, but it will be in the fourth House. So for Gemini, it is the fourth House.
Similarly, if your Moon sign falls in Libra or Virgo (and Venus), these two signs will be at the same place as their respective houses. Virgo has its unique place, which means that person can do anything related to women's issues. Similarly, if Mars Rules Scorpio, then that person must have strong skills related to warlike activities like fighting wars, etc.
Fifth House
In the fifth House of your horoscope, you will find your profession. If your Sun or Moon is in the same sign as its ascendant (or ruling planet), then it can be seen that they belong to the same family.
The Fifth House strongly influences children and education and represents creativity, sports, etc. That is why many people think there's something very creative about them when they look at their birth chart!
Sixth House
If you're a Leo and your sixth House shows a profession, it may signify your job. You must know that if you are born in a Leo solar or lunar year (from January to December or from July to June), your Ascendant is always in this House.
If you have been born with a Virgo ascendant and no signs in the sky other than Virgo, then you will be able to make money with just one profession related to beauty products or the cosmetics industry.
On the other hand, if there are other signs around yours like Taurus, for example, then chances are high that they will have many different professions but none related directly to their field of expertise like Astrology, etc.
The 10th House - Career & Profession
The 10th house is for Career & Profession. The tenth House is how others see us and how we present ourselves to the world. It can be about what we do for a living or the career path that suits us best, but it also concerns our social standing. In other words, what other people think of us and whether or not we're accepted as a member of that society.
The 11th House - Gains & Income
The 11th House is an exciting place to start because it is the only House on the KP chart that's not related to any planets. The 11th House represents gains and income, but it also has a lot of other meanings, depending on which sign it's in. For example, if the 11th House falls in your second sign, you are said to be an expressive person who always looks for something new or fresh.
The 12th House - Losses & Expenditure
The 12th House shows our expenditures and losses. It relates to the need for a strong, confident father figure who can provide and protect. The 12th House can offer a person's fears of being taken advantage of and belief that they cannot survive on their own. It also pertains to any losses we have suffered, including the death of loved ones and business or financial losses.
The 12th House is often associated with fear about the future due to parental abandonment or abuse when growing up. It can lead someone to become codependent upon others and afraid to be alone in the world.
In conclusion, KP astrology is a great way to know what professions you should show in. One can enroll in the KP astrology course online to learn reading and science. The house location will indicate the type of work that you should be putting your energy towards. If you have a job that takes up most of your time, it's best to focus on jobs from houses 2 and 6, as they are the most productive. These are considered executive types and involve thinking outside the box with intelligence and an eye for detail. Houses 3-5 are more suited for academic careers such as teaching or research because these people love to think and learn but do not want the responsibility. Houses 4-6 are suitable for salespeople because they like socializing and talking while earning money.
What can we take from all this? You should consider the House you will be ruling to know your profession. For example, if your Ascendant is Leo, it is a good idea to think about what kind of job you want and then plan accordingly. So for Gemini, who have Leo as their Ascendant, thinking about what type of job they would like to do, come up with ideas on how they can achieve that goal.
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